White Sauce
White Sauce (Béchamel Sauce) & some of its’ many variations
White sauce or béchamel sauce is an extremely versatile sauce to have up your sleeve when cooking in the kitchen. Below are some of our favourite flavour combos for using white sauce with our Rangeland Quality Meats corned beef.
Basic white sauce
45g butter
2tbs plain flour
2 cups milk (or 1 cup milk, 1 cup corned beef cooking water)
salt & pepper, to taste
Melt 45g butter in saucepan then add 2 tbs plain flour, cook stirring constantly for 1 minute.
Gradually add 2 cups milk, stir till it boils and thickens.
Season with salt & pepper
Horseradish Sauce
1 Basic white sauce recipe
1tbs horseradish cream
1 tbs chopped parsley
Make basic white sauce
Once sauce has thickened, stir through horseradish cream and parsley
White Onion Sauce
1 basic white sauce recipe
1 tbs butter
1 medium onion, finely sliced
Make basic white sauce
Melt butter in small saucepan, then add onion and sauté over a low heat until tender
Stir through white sauce
Mustard Sauce
1 basic white sauce recipe
1.5 tbs Dijon mustard
Make basic white sauce
Once sauce has thickened, stir through Dijon mustard
Parsley Sauce
1 Basic white sauce recipe
2 tbs fresh Italian parsley, chopped
Make basic white sauce
Once sauce has thickened, stir through chopped parsley